Q: Where can I find directions and details about the Gears & Grub Show?
A: The Gears & Grub Show takes place at Freedom Park in Rincon, conveniently located next to Lowe’s and behind Rincon Chevrolet. For comprehensive information on parking, the event layout, and Car Show entry points, please visit our website at www.gearsandgrub.org
Q: Where can I purchase tickets for the event?
A: There are no presale admission tickets or pre-registration for the car show. Admissions will be collected on the day of the event and are accepted in CASH ONLY.
Q: Can I exit the show and re-enter?
A: Absolutely, re-entry is permitted with an approved armband or stamp. Please make sure that your arm band/stamp is visible.
Q: How many individuals can enter the event with the Car Show Registration fee?
A: The Car Show registration fee covers the car, the driver, and one passenger exclusively. Additional attendees will need to pay the standard entrance fee of $10 ($5 for children under 12).
Q: How many individuals can enter the event with the Vendor Registration fee?
A: Vendor registration fees cover the driver and one passenger exclusively. Additional attendees will need to pay the standard entrance fee of $10 ($5 for children under 12).
Q: How many individuals can enter the event with the Food Truck Registration fee?
A: The Food Truck registration fee includes all employees, provided prior notification is given at the time of application submission. Otherwise, they will need to pay the entrance fee.
Q: Will ATMs be available at the event?
A: Yes, ATMs will be available, although we recommend bringing cash with you.
Q: Is there a fee for parking?
A: No, there is no fee for parking.
Q: Are restrooms available and handicap accessible?
A: Yes, restrooms are readily available, including ADA-compliant facilities.
Q: Is there handicap parking available near the entrance?
A: Certainly, designated spots for handicap parking will be available near the front entrance.
Q: Is there a “Rain Date”?
A: Unfortunately, there is no rain date scheduled for the event.
Q: Are outside pets allowed?
A: Only service animals are permitted at the event.
Q: Are outside food and drinks allowed?
A: No, outside food and drinks are not permitted, as we offer a variety of excellent vendors within the park.
Q: Are generators allowed?
A: Only invertor generators are allowed, with the exception of those used by food trucks.
Q: Is there a lost and found?
A: Yes, please visit the Effingham Health System Foundation booth during the event, or contact their office at 912-754-7565 afterward.
Q: What are some hotels in the area?
A: Holiday Inn Express offers a Show Rate until February 1st. Contact: 912-298-5400, 79 Coldbrook Station Circle, Pt. Wentworth, GA. Additionally there are several excellent options around the Hwy 21/Interstate 95 area, Exit 109, just 6-8 miles from the show. There are numerous choices a bit further away at the Pooler exit as well.
Q: How can I learn more about Effingham Health System Foundation?
A: For further information about the Effingham Health System Foundation, please visit our website at www.effinghamhealth.org or look for our booth at the event.